Expressions of Interest for Kerb 32


What are the UNSAID, unnoticed, forgotten, silent and marginalised undercurrents that flow through our lives and the landscapes we inhabit? We may not know or may have forgotten the language to describe them, but they are still there, quietly connecting us.

As we become aware of our own positionality and socio-cultural capabilities, we find ourselves in a crisis of practice-how do we make space in design to acknowledge, support and listen to a diversity of perspectives and epistemologies? UNSAID seeks to explore practices and methodologies that voice or hear what is often unacknowledged. Creating environments grounded in empathy and reciprocity which acknowledge mutual influence and agency in shaping landscapes across scales.

We think it is important to approach situations from the edges and with humility. To slow down, listen, and create space for intersecting knowledges. Kerb 32 is interested in submissions that surface the UNSAID, within and beyond the discipline of landscape architecture, including those that voice or respond to intersectional and more-than-human perspectives.

Kerb 32 is now accepting expressions of interest (EOl). An EOl must include an abstract (200 word maximum) for your proposed submission which could take the form of an essay, photographic or visual essay, artwork, poem, story, interview or other. Submissions will be received until COB April 21, 2024.

Expressions of interest for Kerb 32 have closed.

Poster for EOI